Monday, May 09, 2005

Amaretto Sour in a Scotch World: A Recent Trip With American Airlines

There are so many times women, no matter what type of shoes they are wearing, have to go toe to toe with a world ruled and ran by men. My experience today is one small example that compounds on the many others each day to frustrate even the strongest feminist heart.

This afternoon I was waiting for a flight back to DC in the American Airlines Admirals Club and decided to enjoy an alcoholic beverage. However, the (female) bartender informed me that she did not have the ingredients for the amaretto sour I had ordered. No problem, nothing unusual there, I would just order something else. “What can you make that’s fruity,” I asked. “Nothing really,” was her response, “just the hard stuff.” Did she have a Bacardi O or a Smirnoff Ice? Nope, and she pointed me to the long line of beer bottles from which I could make a choice. I told her I’m not a beer drinker and must have looked quite confused since I’ve never had such a difficult time ordering a drink. She had an idea; she could make me a martini. Great! I told her an apple martini would be fantastic. Oh, but she didn’t have the ingredients to make an apple martini, just the regular one. Hmmm.

That’s when I got it - this bar was stocked for men. The hard liquor, the beer selection, and the lack of a feminine selection of drinks made it abundantly clear that American Airlines felt only men should be gracing their privileged club. Of course that makes sense, since only men could possibly be successful enough to afford the pricey club fees, right?

Beaded Sandals and Laptop Computers

So I took a quick glance around to see how many other women were in the club. There were quite a few. There was a mom with her kids. A few businesswomen were pounding away at their computers and headphones connecting them to their cell phones.

After this lengthy ordeal with the bartender, I settled for a coke, sauntered off to rejoin my carry-ons, and opened my computer up to type this piece. Behind my leather armchair sits a businesswoman eating a quick lunch. To my right is another businesswoman with her high tech gadgets strung across a table while she works from the airport between flights. She is dressed a bit more “butch” than the rest of the women here, a step many women had to take just to make it in the business world.

I refuse to conform though. I’m wearing my favorite beaded sandals, my turquoise bracelet is dangling from my wrist just below my manicured hand and my hair is long and flowing – not pulled back in a bun or business do. I look professional, but I don’t look manly.

The Best Man for the Job Can Be a Woman

Whether in business, politics or society at large, women are more than capable of integrating with feminine grace into areas previously restricted to men only. I know it’s a dog eat dog world out there, but women have been putting up with those same kind of dogs for a long time inside the house – so we have no problem dealing with them outside of the house as well.

Women do not want, nor do we need, to be protected from the mean world. It infuriates me to hear patronizing excuses from men for hiring a woman to do a job they cannot do themselves instead of just resigning to the fact that they hired the best man for the job and she is a woman.

No Backing Down

I will continue to frequent American Airlines Admirals Club and other such places just to let the boys club know it’s time to take the “Girls Not Allowed” sign off the door. It’s also time to get some feminine drinks in the bar. This is not a man’s world anymore; it is a human world now. Women are not invading their space – we are simply occupying space that rightfully belonged to us all along.

In a few minutes I’ll board my plane and sit in first class, where I can at least get an amaretto and Sprite. It seems women are expected to travel first class, but not as businesswomen. During my flight, I will start an article I was hired to write for a businessman who has good ideas but doesn’t have a strong writing ability. How ironic that I am not expected to function in the business world, yet the business world needs me (and women like me) in order to function.

I refuse to back down one inch on my assertion that equality for women should flow into every aspect of life. However, I also refuse to relinquish even one of my feminine traits in my quest for equality. Inequality is the first injustice imposed on women and the expectation to masculine conformity is the second injustice.

The small things like my experience today will change one by one as more and more women take their rightful place in the world. Until then, I will politely request that American Airlines start stocking their bars to accommodate the tastes of both men and women. After all, a woman needs a good stiff (fruity) drink sometimes too.


Blogger Tiffany said...

Really? REALLY? I've never had a hard time finding alcohol on any airline.

Because I don't drink sugary crap.

Maybe AA just has a policy of stocking drinks most people drink? And seriously, you couldn't have ordered a Tom Collins or a damned Screwdriver?

Not having Smirnoff Ice doesn't make AA sexist. It means they have taste....

October 09, 2008 10:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I refuse to conform though. I’m wearing my favorite beaded sandals, my turquoise bracelet is dangling from my wrist just below my manicured hand and my hair is long and flowing – not pulled back in a bun or business do. I look professional, but I don’t look manly."

Man, you have no idea what feminism is all about, do you? None. Zero. Zilch. GO READ A BOOK.

October 09, 2008 10:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, hon. My wife is a fighting feminist and she drinks Irish Car Bombs and straight vodka. Don't you know that the concept of "feminine" drinks is sexist by itself and a creation of the patriarchy? Your fake "feminism" is embarrassing to the real activists in the world.

October 09, 2008 11:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You realize you drink like a 14-year-old, right?

October 09, 2008 11:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So feminism is about having "foo-foo" drinks available?

Also, defining how it is to dress like a woman?

Sorry, you fail.

October 09, 2008 11:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My apologies, but dressing and drinking like a sorority girl does not a feminist make. The only point you've made here is that you are sexist.

October 09, 2008 11:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is satire.


October 10, 2008 12:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't going "toe to toe against men in a man's world" the point of being a feminist? Showing men that YOU CAN DO JUST WHAT THEY DO (and sometimes better)? Not about wearing your hippy skirts and dangly bracelets and saying "I'M A WIMMIN AND YOU SHOULD RESPECT THAT."

You need to seriously grow up and get a reality check -- you are embarassing to other women!

October 10, 2008 12:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a man who drinks Bacardi O, I would love it if it happened to be available more places.

Oh, wait. Bacard O is a feminine drink that is drunk by feminine women. I DON'T EXIST.

Get real. You're no feminist.

October 10, 2008 12:57 AM  
Blogger Starstuff and Iron said...

They probably just stock the bare essentials because it's, you know, an airport bar. Since when do fruity drinks = feminine? Do you even know what feminism is all about? Choice. Like how that woman you talked about CHOSE to dress in a way you deem "butch." You're the sexist one, princess.

October 10, 2008 3:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry about all these negative comments.

You're important enough to have your own wiki article.


October 10, 2008 3:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad to live in a world where fruity drinks automatically equal woman drinks. And this, coming from a feminist blog?


I'll just go back to my Guiness and women's suits and pulled back hair, and, apparently, penis.

October 10, 2008 5:39 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You are what Ariel Levy quite adequately describes as a Female Chauvanist Pig. I'd recommend you get her book, and then read it. Twice. You're not a feminist. You're a cartoon woman with a loud voice doing exactly what the patriarchy wants her to do.

Stfu and read some.

October 10, 2008 7:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop. Just stop. You don't know what you're talking about. Feminism is about getting RID of gender boundries and you're complaint of no "feminine drinks" just plays up to the patriarchy.

Also, starting your article with the "no matter what type of shoes they are wearing" crap...because that shit matters, right? Can't have women wear pantsuits either--how un-feminine!

October 10, 2008 7:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apple martinis are not "martinis." They are vodka perversions of ACTUAL martinis, which are made with Gin / Vermouth.

When she said, "Yes, I can make you a martini," she meant a ~martini.~

Dividing drinks in to masculine and feminine makes YOU the sexist one, not AA, not anyone else.

All you are doing is setting feminism back, by insisting that OH MAN, you are a feminist, BUT you want to:
1) dress in an unprofessional manner,
2) be treated in a "feminine" way with "feminine" drinks and different "feminine" standards (when was the last time a man could wear his hair "loose and flowing," open toed *sandals,* and a dangling turquoise bracelet (are you a Mary Sue, too? Do your eyes change color with your mood?), and remain employed in a professional working environment?), and
3) call other women "butch" when they don't meet up to your omgFEMININE dress standards.

It's dumb shit like this that makes people snicker when I call myself a feminist. Yeah, man, I am all about fighting just to get amaretto sours in airport bars. Screw the important shit. We'll work on equality later.

October 10, 2008 7:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You were old enough to get married almost six years before I was born, and you still don't know what feminism is.

Good job, princess.

October 10, 2008 8:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, she said she didn't have anything fruity. Why on earth would you assume that she could suddenly make you an apple martini?

October 10, 2008 9:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



October 10, 2008 12:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grow a fucking pair and drink some whiskey.

Isn't that a bit sexist to be assuming that all women want a fruity drink? I think you're going backwards in your "quest" for equality.

October 10, 2008 2:22 PM  

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